Looking for Mushrooms!


Looking for small or medium SOLID Green & Blue mushrooms. (Not purple, not green w/ tint of another color or striped)
Also looking for Green hairy mushrooms.
I just want it either free floating or on something small and only about 1-3 of each color at the most. Looking for all 3 kinds if i can but pm or write here if any1 has anything. I'm about 25-30mins South West of Chicago. But shipping is fine if you at least have two of the three.


yeah shipping is a must
green hairy

this probably has anywhere between 10 or so heads
rhodactis sp (i think)

the second is probably doubled since i got them


ive got a green hairy with yellow dots...but i havent started fragging him yet, i want him to get huge, they get the size of a dinner plate hahaha hes about the size of the bottom of a pop can right now


i have green fuzzys and green frillys... what do you have to trade i am in pa i will ship... pm me for more info on the shipping
green frilly

green fuzzy

just green