Looking for Pulsating Xenia

Looking for Pulsating Xenia to add to my tank. Just started corals and saw some of this at the LFS and it looks awesome. I'm located in PA on the weekends and VA during the week. I would be willing to travel a little ways for it or pay shipping. Thanks!!!


Active Member
i'm in eastern pa, and have plenty of xenia. you can have some for free. it doesn't ship well i'm told.


New Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i'm in eastern pa, and have plenty of xenia. you can have some for free. it doesn't ship well i'm told.
can you ship some to me if i send you money for shipping because i live in md and have been looking for some ever since my stalk died when my mothers tank crashed and havent been able to find any


Originally Posted by saltwatr_xpert
can you ship some to me if i send you money for shipping because i live in md and have been looking for some ever since my stalk died when my mothers tank crashed and havent been able to find any
I wouldn't ship it,as stated above, it does not ship well. I would recommend looking into a local reef club in your area. Most people in my local club give this stuff away. If you were closer I would give you a few stalks.


Active Member
i replied to pm's.
my xenia gets in the way of my other corals regularly, so i cut it down with scissors. i usually toss the pieces in my sump. i have this plastic soap-bar holder in my sump that is pretty full of xenia. i'll give you this whole thing. you just have to get the xenia to attach to something else.