Looking for recipe for homemade food.


I've always been interested in making homemade, frozen food - primarily for my fish which are mostly tangs. I've been hesitant because I didn't want to make anything that screws up my tank. So let me ask for help. Anyone have an easy recipe for homemade fish food that might also be good for corals?


Bag containing frozen shrimp, squid, cuttlefish, mussel, and octopus, found in the frozen section of an asian market. About $3.50 for one pound
1 teaspoon of each Formula 1 and 2 Pellet food, and a 1/2 teaspoon Spirulina Powder
Cyclop-Eeze comes in larger bars
Dried seaweed
Plus anything else I might have in the freezer like Plankton ...etc. I place it in a food processor and it make me 2 big zip lock bags that last me a while. Feeds fish and corals at the same time. They love it