Looking for skarks


once again dude,
please get a huge tank first, all your filtration, show us some pics then maybe someone will help you find what your looking for, but until then i doubt anyone is goign to answer you since you only have a 20 gallon tank.
im not tryin to be mean, we will all be glad to help you out, but ask some better questions first, such as, how big of a tank do i need ot hous ea small shark? what kind of filtration etc.
also since i see your a student, i will warn you its gunna cost you about 5 grand to get get a good shark setup started and running. its alot while still in school!!

skark man

New Member
Hello well I am getting a 200 or 250gal tank.Are it might be bigger I not sure yet.And the 20 gal I have baby piranhas in that which im about to sell.So any way what size do you think Is a great size for a shark.


the bigger the better, you shouldnt buy a shark without keeping in mind that evan if you have a 250 gallon tank hes going to need more room when hes larger, so if you dont plan on keeping him his whole life dont buy him. but if you do , you can start with a 250 or so. the only sharks to evan consider are eppaulettes(sp?) and bamboo sharks, they will be alright in a 250 for a little while. theres a topic below this explaining the same thing. Also use the search function on this forum and you will learn alot quickly. i read literally hours of information on this site.
another thing to start to consider is filtering, sharks are big and messy eaters, they also go to the bathroom alot!!! once again use the search for filtration methods..
Tony detroit just wrote a begginners guide to saltwater fish in the equiptment forum i beleive , read ALL of that!!!
and beleive me when i say its going to cost you an arm and a leg for the tank and all the equiptment,also to feed these animals, but if you have the money then good luck!!!:rolleyes:



Originally posted by skark man
Hello well I am getting a 200 or 250gal tank.Are it might be bigger I not sure yet.And the 20 gal I have baby piranhas in that which im about to sell.So any way what size do you think Is a great size for a shark.

if you want to keep a shark happy leave them in the ocean, if you must have a shark buy a swwimming pool (500+ gallons)


lol i have an empty swimming pool lol hahahaha i wouldnt get a shark my dogs will prob find a way to get eatend


Active Member

Originally posted by skark man
Hello well I am getting a 200 or 250gal tank.Are it might be bigger I not sure yet.And the 20 gal I have baby piranhas in that which im about to sell.So any way what size do you think Is a great size for a shark.

Great...if I am not mistake, piranha are illegal in the state of Florida. :rolleyes: Way to go - not just keeping them but selling them...guess you've never met those nice officers from Fish and Wildlife? Save your money for the fines. :yes: Anyway, I imagine there will be little concern for the needs of sharks...because I sense a "if I want it I'll keep it" attitude here. :nope: