looking for some fish

admiral w.

New Member
I am looking to buy an angler for my aquarium
These are the ones I am looking for:
Antennarius rosaceus ---Spiny-tufted frogfish
Antennarius randalli---Randall's frogfish
Antennarius pauciradiatus---Dwarf frogfish
Antennarius duescus

Side-jet frogfish
Antennarius maculatus----Warty frogfish
any idea where can i get one of them????
and if they would work in a 10 or 20 or 24 gallon aquarium??


A. Maculatus are commonly seen in the hobby and you can order them from a number of online vendors. They are, however, one of the more expensive species, running you anywhere from $150 - $250.
The others, unfortunately, are rarely (if ever) seen in the hobby. Your best bet would be to contact wholesalers directly, if you can.
None of your listed species would work, long term, in anything but your 24gal...except A. Pauciradiatus.

admiral w.

New Member
ok cool thanx ^_^_^_^......would you please give me a site of a wholesale place or anyidea on how to search for one??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Admiral W.
ok cool thanx ^_^_^_^......would you please give me a site of a wholesale place or anyidea on how to search for one??

Out of respect to the owner and operator of this site, please do not request links to competitors, thanks.
Usually you can find things out on google.