Getting started is the biggest cost, the bigger the tank, the more it costs to get started…upkeep is not so bad, but they keep coming up with cool stuff to buy.
Fish tank, stand (canopy?) That is the fist buy and choice to make....prices depend on brand and if you buy new or used. I got my 90g for $400.00 with stand and canopy.
Power heads about 3 to 4 and they run from $70.00 to $200.00 each depending on brand and type. I recommend the Koralia brand, they have a magnet to hold it in place. For the larger tanks you need larger power heads, the bigger the power head the more it costs…do not skimp. The cheap come out expensive in this hobby.
Live rock: it runs $10.00 to $7.00 per pound and you need almost as much rock in pound as you have gallons in water. For example: a 90g tank needs about 80lbs of rock. The good news is that you can by allot of dead rock (base rock) which is about $3.00 per pound, and put live rock on top, it will seed the base rock over time. I used all live fiji rock $10.00 per pound.
Lights are your most expensive investment. If you know that you only want fish, the PC lights, the cheapest are fine which run around $250.00. However if you ever plan on a reef tank, or keeping an anemone…get the best lights you can afford right off. T5s or Metal Halides. Which run around $1000.00…My MH bulbs run $70.00 each and must be replaced every 10 to 12 months.
Get a good skimmer, good luck finding one…I have yet to find one I really like. I paid $250.00 for a coralife…I do not recommend it.
I know nothing about sumps or wet/dry I use 2 canister filters on my 90g, I paid about $250.00 for each one. So you are on your own to find out more on filtration.
Substrate, I used live sand $40.00 for a 40lb bag, I needed two bags for my 90g.
You need Marine test kits, Hydrometer or refractometer, thermometer, mag float, heaters and salt mix. BOOKS! Prices will depend on brands.
My 90g cost me $3000.00 by the time I was all set…Then came the joy of building my reef and getting my fish and the money pit saga continues.
Auto Top Off unit cost me $90.00 it was well worth it. Also needed a 10g holding tank for RO water and a utility pump for it...which I also use for water changes.
I purchased two plastic 37g garbage cans, I marked them FISH ONLY, and I use them for water changes and emergencies.
RO unit ...I rent mine for $39.99, I have very bad well water, and they change my is a 5 stage industrial unit like what they have at Wal-Mart. It has a faucet on my kitchen sink, and a holding tank under it in the cabinet. You can get one much cheaper than I did by buying your own. look into the cost of filter replacement on whaever unit you go for.
I think that covers it...hope this helps.
Oh and a LFS guy told me I could start a 55g saltwater tank for 600.00
I already had the tank and wanted to switch from fresh to salt. $1000.00 dollars later...I was still spending, my husband and I were not laughing, but we were hooked. That was years ago.