looking for suggestions


New Member
Hi, I have a 29 gal aquarium, penguin bio-wheel 170 filter, skimmer. With 1-blue damsel, 2 SGTMAJ, 1 arrow crab, 2 blue leg hermits. The tank has just finished cycling, and the skimmer was just added....i'm looking on suggestions on what to add next...i was thinking i needed more crabs...and also wanted some suggestions on fish...do i have room for more w/ only a 29 gal tank? Thanks for the help.


Here is my opinion, get rid of the damsel, nasty little buggers. Perhaps you could get a nice mated pair of clownfish, something that will stay on the small side. (not maroons, the female gets large) the clowns are very colorful and move around a lot. from what I understand it goes like this 1" of fish per 5 gals of tank (fish size when they are adults/fullgrown) Your could probably have about 6" worth of fish in total. If you don't go with a mated pair of something, only add your fish one at a time 2-3 wks apart so as not to overload the bioload on the tank. Just my thoughts as I am a clown lover.:)


OK, ALL CLOWN FISH ARE DAMSELS...clown can be just as agressive as YT,SGTMJ, & dominoes...yellow tails are easy to mate, but does not mean you will end up w/ fry...
do you have any Live Rock in your tank...you might end up w/ some interesting hitch hikers if you do or you put more LR in...you might be able to add 1 more fish depending what it is...but w/ all those damsels already in there, they might stress it, causing it to die...