Looking into Koralia powerheads for my 55 gal


Active Member
I'm looking into purchasing 2 Koralia powerheads for my 55 gal. I have many softies and I'm trying to get SPS going - I have a total of 800 gph right now, but I don't think I have enough flow yet to suffice for the SPS.
My coral are: frogspawn, green star polyps, pulsing xenia, goniopora, anchor, mushrooms, zoos...
and also have many fish, clams, shrimp, etc.
I like the Koralias, but not sure which ones to get or if I should get a different brand. I found 2 #4's for $47 each. Should I go with the #4's or will they be too much for the rest of my stock?
Any advice? THANKS!


Active Member
get the #4. its not really gonna blow ur stuff everywhere. i hv a 2 and 3 in my 72. i wish i got the bigger one. they distribute my water very good. no dead spot.


Active Member
I have a 6' tank with two #3s on each end. I have run out of low-flow areas now, so my bare spots will be filled with SPS. I have had to move my powerheads around a few times because the flow was too much for some corals. In a 55 I would think #3 would be the highest you would want to go, but that's just me. Either way I think you are going to like them. I LOVE my Koralias.
Oh, and on a side note. I had two powerheads, one #3 and one #2 (that I use to mix my salt) both stop working. Hydor replaced them for me with no problems as they have a 24 months guarantee.
Love my Koralias also, have 3 in my 80.
Mine are all 2's and yes I think you would be fine with 2 3's or 4's in your 55.
A few things you will notice
a) They are kinda big
b) They won't effect your temp much as three in my 80 raised it maybe 1 degree.
c) very quiet


If it's between the 3's and the 4's I'd definitely go with the 3's!
Because if yo said you have alot of soft corals the 4's (in my opinion) will be too powerful!
Just make sure that when you put them in don't put them directly where the softies are. Postion them closest to the SPS corals so that they recieve maximum flow and the extra flow will be distributed to the rest of the tank!


Active Member
Hmmm.... so that's 2 votes for 3, 1 for 4, and 1 for either.... I know.... not a huge decision here, but I always have a hard time making up my mind!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Hmmm.... so that's 2 votes for 3, 1 for 4, and 1 for either.... I know.... not a huge decision here, but I always have a hard time making up my mind!
I know how you feel. I went round and round with just about every piece of equipment I have. Thank goodness I'm done with that. What I have I'm keeping and I'm not changing.

tx reef

Active Member
Since the tank is split, I would go with a #3 on one side and keep softies there.
On the other side I would put a #4 and keep SPS on that side......


Active Member
i would put the sps on the opposite side of #4 bc the flow would then be directed at them. thats how i hv mine setup, with the flow from #4 blowing towards the sps.


Active Member
you'll be fine with the 4s. i have a 4 on my 40 breeder (only a 3' tank.... and i also have another 14000 gph with otherpowerheads and such) and i had a mixed reef. alot of sps, a lot of lps, but i also had a good amount of softies. small toadstools,capnella, xenia, anthillia, all types of polyps and mushrooms, etc.


Just to put my .2 in; I have a 90 with two #3's and one #2. I have some softies and just started with sps. I have great water movement and no dead spots. JMO, but two #4's might be too much for the softies in a 55.


ivr got 2 #2's on my tank, one on each side pointing towards the middle of the front glass.
i think there is plenty of flow, they will blow holes in the sand if i got em too low. and when i feed mysis, it takes the stuff about 10min to settle to the bottom