Looking to buy a book Ideas??


Okay, I am trying to find a fish book. What I'm looking for will mainly have fish info. I went to the book store and didn't see anything intresting saw checked out barnes and nobles and they have a few I was wondering if anybody has a couple of thing they could give me some options about. Again basically I would like fish info with pics care level, reef safe ect......
The conscientious Marine Aquarist By Robert Ferner
The new marine aquarium by michael paletta ??
I've heard about nick dakin. but his book was about problem solving so not sure if that has the info I want..
Any other Ideas appreciated but I'm not looking to buy a 50$$ book either.


I'm also finding these books on the internet so i can't really see what I'm going to buying.. thats why i'm asking for help:D


New Member
The conscientious Marine Aquarist By Robert Ferner
This is a great book for info on setting up a saltwater aquarium as well as on fish selection. It dosen't give info on EVERY fish, just info on classes of fish as well as some good choices in each class.
I am going to be converting my 55 gal FW to salt soon and have found this book VERY helpful so far.
One that I've found really helpful in chosing fish has been:
Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species By Scott W. Michael. Got mine at Amazon for about $15.


Waterbury, that is an incredible book. I use it as my reference for when a customer asks about an obscure fish that I'm not entirely familiar with. It's a must-have for aquarists.


Active Member
Unfortunatly i do not own one, but i work nearly fulltime at Mission Pet Mart, in Mission KS. and about that book, i love it and it is great to show to customers too. You can sell many of them if you show it to them, and recommend reading a fish's profile before considering to buy the fish. I like its max sixe, min tank size, 1-5 rating system, and special care notes.