Looking to get my girlfriend a tank


I'm looking to get a 6-8 Gallon tank for my girlfriend. I would love to get her the 6 Gallon Nano Cube or BioCube whatever it is specifically called but in all fairness I would like to make this as cheap as I can.
My idea is to:
Find a 6-8 Gallon tank and silicone a piece of acryllic or glass in a diagonal manner or straight across the back. Drill holes in it so I can put a HOB filter in there but the tube won't be showing, a powerhead and chaeto. Do you know where I can find a 6-8 Gallon tank with no strings attached? Where should I buy my acryllic or glass sheet to add in? What silicone will I need? Does this sound like a good idea? Will this be cheaper in the long run?


when you buy a new tank, like i did. i didnt know that the smaller the tank than the harder it was to keep anythin in it, go for somthng bigger, i went for a 50 gallon , u could get her like a 20 gallon that could go good, but always remember the smaler the harder.


Just my opinion, but I would go with a 12 gallon that is already setup. Something like a JBJ or Oceanic would be good. I say this because they are a little expensive, but everything works right out of the box. They seem to be a little easier to keep. 12 gallon might be better than a 6-8 if she wants more than one fish. The 6 gallon will only be good for softies and one fish.