Looking to start Nano tank 24gal


I have the 24 gallon aquapod with HQI lights (150 watts). I havent had any experience keeping hard corals with these lights yet (still setting up) but from what I understand you should be able to provided your parameters are right. I run the Aqua C remora skimmer (Hang on Back type) which works really really well. I had originally had a nano skimmer by current usa on my 12 gallon, and it didnt work well at all. I would recommend buying a higher quality skimmer from the start. You wont regret it. I bought the aqua C on an online

and have never regretted it.
I am pretty sure I upgraded the pump (cant remembre for sure) and I believe it is a rio 1100. You might want to upgrade the pump... I am actually thinking of upgrading to an eheim pump for the return...
Hope that helps. I saw that nobody else had answered you yet...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Javman
I am looking to start a 24 gal nano with MH lights on it. the unit I am looking at is http://www.aquariumguys.com/aquapod-24-gallon-tank.html. But my questions include, should i upgrade the pump? and do I need to get a nano skimmer for the back chamber, thanks.
ps also with the MH lights can you keep hard corals?
I love my AP24. I had downsized from a 44g and I am sooo happy with this nano! I was a little worried at first about going smaller, but its great!
Ive got two outlets, one is a spray bar and two quietone pumps in the back chamber for extra flow. I removed the sponge and replaced it with a u-tube round sponge that doesnt fit as tight so when you pull the sponge out it doesnt put all the crap all in the water (AP owners know what I mean) I am not running a skimmer, but do weekly water changes.
I also bought the silenx fans but havent installed them because I think Im going to get a sunpod. I keep softies and LPS no problem. I think you would be fine with SPS. If they show decline then put them higher in the tank.
I also have the oceanic stand with the glass front thats black glass and I think it looks nicer than the AP stand.
Go for it!
bad pic but heres mine


Active Member
Ive got the 24 with the 150 watt MH. Its great. I personally dont need a chiller, and the water parameters are pretty stable.
I only added my first SPS, a monti capricornis, 2 days ago, but it seems to be responding well to the tank and new lights.