looking to upgrade lighting....


I have a 40 gallon tank that is 30"x 24" x 12" (very tall) and I need to upgrade from my 2x65W PC lights to something more... Can I use a MH that is 150W 10K Hamilton that is 16" wide? I'm concerned that at only 16" It might not cover the 30" well.... Also, I dont currently have any plans to run any kind of arctic PCs with that...is that OK? I wanna know if this will be an improvement that I will be both happy with and that will help my corals to grow quicker....


Active Member
the 10k part is good and if you center it, it is a pendant right? if so it should work just fine for you, it's over 10w per gal. tobin


conerned about the distance to the water surface (may be only 3") and what do you mean 10W per gallon?? 150W / 40 gallon = almost 4W per gallon


aztec reef

Active Member
If it was me i would go with the 250w so that you don't have upgrade later. That will cover your tank for sure.
The actinics are mostly used to simiulate dusk/dawn effects. Is up to your preference, if you don't mind about just having a bright crisp white look then you don't have to have actinics, although the supplementation of actinics are better for reef inhabitants(kind of like in nature)