looks like rust


I have been having problems with my tank. It looks like rust on the DSB and walls of the tank. I added live rock and it hasn't slowed down. What is it and how do I get rid of it?


Active Member
how old is the tank? it could be cyano or diatoms maybe red slime if that isnt the same as cyano. Need a pic


Active Member
it is a bacteria.
If this is it you need to check a couple things
1) do bulbs need replacing?
2)do you overfeed?
3)do you have high phosphates?
4)is there good circulation and no "dead spots"
If all these are good then I dont know what it is but try to get these things right and if it is cyanobacteria it will go away. Dont treat it with an antibiotic because it will kill good bacteria as well.