Loose ricordea how to attach it to a rock?


So I got a little orange ricordea at my LFS for only $5.... When I was attempting to place it where I wanted I knocked it off it's rock piece by accident so now its loose, what the easiest way to attach it to something? I keep trying to just leave it in the sand on top of a piece of rock but my fish/snails/hermit crabs/shrimp are too curious and knock it off, what can I do?


Active Member
put a bunch of little pieces of live rock rubble into a small container. Place the ric on top of the live rock rubble and then cover the top of the container with bridal mesh and a rubber bad. Just place the container on your sand bed and in a day or two the ric will attach itself to one of the rocks.


DeMartini, thanks!
Question I'm not sure if its already attached to a rock or not? WHat does his bottom or 'foot' look like? Is it soft or hard? because whatever is under him which may be a piece of rock is hard and doesn't bend, what is it supposed to be like if its not attached to anything ?


Oh it is? So if there is anything hard under it then its attached? gotcha.. wasn't sure if it's foot was hard like that or not...
What kind of super glue do you use DeMartini ?