Loose Zoanthids


Active Member
Ok so i called myself about a week ago fragging a zoanthid frag rock, I had noticed it had some aiptasia on it and its also in middle of polyps so i thought i could maybe pull off a few polyps and put onto another rock, Well i wasnt for sure where to put the glue on the polyps because it seems like there is no part of the mat attached to them. Now they are just pretty much floating around my tank. I have the right now in a crease of a rock where they stay still but doesnt seem like they have attached. It is only 2 polyps i was able to get because i was afraid i was going to destroy the frag because it seemed like i was ripping them. Anyone can tell me what to do with some loose polyps ? There are 2 polyps attached to each other. Thanks


Active Member
That happens to my yellow polyps all the time. A few pop off and settle in the sand when they get crowded. I put a little rock next to mine and they attatched to it. I am hoping to trade to LFS when they spread a bit more.
hope that helps. Good luck.


Active Member
I had 2 also (attached to each other). I tried letting nature take it's course, but they just get floating. The current would never let them settle into any one spot. I tried wedging into rocks numerous times, but they still blew off. Yesterday, I took them out and siliconed them to a small rock. Glued them on the bottom so the flower is up. As of right now, both are opened up nicely. Only time will tell if they will survive, but the outcome couldn't be worse than having them blow around in a cave, with no light.


Active Member
yeah i finally got the nerve to just glue them to some LR Rubble and they are seeming to do excellent. Well one of them hasnt opened up but the other has. I was just afraid to get those toxins from Zoanthids on me. Thanks for the help.