Lopezi Tang with a spot


its a birthmark lol :D
may just be a scratch from transport, hopefully u have him in a QT so u can monitor this marking.
aside from that good lookin fish.... well done :happyfish


Staff member
I agree. Is it just faded color, or actual skin that has been rubbed off?


Active Member
It is actually raised in apperance. I dont where the skin is missing.
He is eating great, swimming fine. It hasnt changed at all.
Whatever it is I dont like it.


Staff member
Strange but I had a midas blenny with a similar spot [it was a irregular coloration of the flesh, not a scrape]. This fish was fine and healthy and I never had a problem with him. He up and died overnight. I thought it was a piece of LR that fell on him, but I could never say for sure.


Active Member
He could have gotten the owie from a rock. He likes to go behind them all the time.
I will keep you guys posted


Staff member
What about the tail area. It looks red to me. Is it? Or is that just the picture?


Active Member
I havent noticed any discoloration(red) He was close to the light so It may have been reflecting brighter at that spot.
Do you think it is blood collecting in the tail?


Staff member
I am asking you that because I can only see a picture and not the fish itself. I have honestly never actually seen one of these tangs but I did do a search for pictures and the pictures I referenced did not have dark rear-ends as this one does. It does look too dark. You can see the fish, is that a red tail end? Was the fish like that when you got it?


Staff member
Hard to judge by pics.
I'm going to copy this over to the REEF Forum to see if any owners of this fish can help out with this issue.


Active Member
For those that didnt see my tang had a spot on his side that could not be identified. Then one popped up at the base of the lateral line. Could be HLLE or some sort of other disease.
I had read that nori seaweed from the store didnt have much nutrients due to the processing sooooo
I bought some SeaVeggies green and purple
I also bought some Kent Zoecon good for HLLE
My tang has been on the new seaweed soaked with Zoecon for about a month now.
The spots are totally gone. I am impressed with the Zoecon
all my fish look much happier and fat!
If you have problems with HLLE try the Zoecon it may help!


Staff member
Thanks for the update! I love zoecon too. It is a great supplement for tangs and any fish prone to get HLLE.