Losing fish



Over the last two months I've lost two flame angels and ebili angel fish. They have died of ick. I have a cleaner shrimp and he was doing his work but they still died. I dont know what causing them to get ick. All I have in the tank is a maroon clown, watchman goby, and yellow tang. Could the yellow tang be picking on the fish causing them to get ick because I've seen him chasing them around. All these fish have died within four days of purchasing them. Are these fish ick prone or am I having a run of bad luck. I cannot figure it out. I've had my tank for 4 years and it is 55g FO. Any suggestions?


Your Tang is stressing his tankmates.
1. Imune system goes bad.
2. Prone to infection.
3. Infection.
4. bad health.
5. Death.
IMO I think the Tang is defending his territory, (being territorial by nature) and being overly aggressive to the others causing to much stress and possibly causing the death of your fish.


What should I do then? quaratine the tang? I have a little floating container I can put him in, then add him last after the new fish are in. maybe I can keep him locked up for a week.


Try this:
Remove him from the tank, (leaving the others) and rearrange all the LR or anything he might accociate with "HIS" turff. Leave him in the QT for a few hours or a day even and put him back into the
display tank.
The trick here is to make him think he's in a new environment and the low guy on the Totem Pole,... so to speak.....


Good idea. What i did before putting in the new fish was rearrange the rock work so it was a different environment, but he still seem to control the tank. My guess is he is causing those new fish I add to stress out. They are getting ick and dying. I thought tangs were not aggressive??


More so if he was the first inhabitant. Rearranging alone with him in the tanks not going to help. take him out and do it.


I want to add more fish but if he keeps stressing them they are just going to die. From your experience if I seclude him for a while, put the new fish in first then I should not have any problems or is he just going to go back to what he was doing?? I just do not want to lose anymore fish it is getting expensive.


it's pretty much a 50/50 chance. It's really dependant on the fish. If it were me; I'd seclude him in his own tank for a week or two let him set up his boundris in the new tank and then put him back into the display tank. (really get into his head) Be one with your fish.

What are your water parameters? How many fish/creatures do you currently have in this tank? (should have asked sooner, sorry.)


I have a 3" maroon clown, watchman goby, and cleaner shrimp what could be a good addition to my tank to help against his aggression?


"what could be a good addition to my tank to help against his aggression?"
Are you into fighting dogs too??

I don't think addition is the right answer. You'll probly just have the same problem. You really need to find out whats going on before you start introducing more fish that will more than likely end up like the title of this string.
Your new to the hobby right??
How's the water???


Water is fine, I've been doing this for 4yrs. now. just never had this problem. MY tank at one time had two different clown fish, foxface, and a wrasse.


Staff member
Ich is a fish parasite that is introduced to your aquaria by fish that are infected by the parasite. It is not caused by stress.
Once ich is introduced it must be effectively treated to irradicate it from the fish and the tank.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, and the post there on ICH. The parasite and treatment is explained there.
Post back if you need more help.


Staff member
I know that it has a degree of effectiveness in some cases, and in other cases its a waste of time. Bascially, not reliable.