losing fish


New Member
hi guys i got a blackangel on friday and acclimatised him for an hour . sunday morning i noticed he had whitespot so i took out the carbon sponge higherd up the temp to 28 lowered the salinity gradually to 1.018 then turned off the skimmer and treated the tank. i finished the treatment yesturday morning and then last night my yellow tang had like a bruise on him and then died . this morning my regel tang looks like he has been bleached or something its all white and now the blackangel doesnt look great either ! can anyone help ?


We need a lot more info:
How old is the tank?
How big is the tank?
What are the water parameters?
What are you feeding?
How often do you do water changes?
What is the stock list?


New Member
guys i know what i did wrong , i feel like an idiot . when i treated the tank for whitespot i used the wrong treatment . i used a freshwater treatment so the fish got copper poisening so at the mo i got some carbon and put it into the external filter and did a 100 ltr water change . the tank is 450lts . when i seen the whitespot i panicked , boy am i sorry now !


That's terrible. Sorry to hear that! Lots of water changes...
I would rinse out all of your filter pads, etc, or just get new ones.