Losing my coraline algea?!?


I have had my tank up and running for about 8 months now and for a while i was getting great coraline growth on my rocks and glass, but then i had a small crash due to some metal being put into my tank about a month ago, but that has been removed and all my levels are perfect (ammonia, nitrate, nitrate, and phospate = 0, Calcium 440, alkalinty was perfect but i can't remember the number, maybe 8.4?, PH is 8.4, temp i try to keep about 80-82 now because if i try and keep it lower it just goes from 77 to 83 due to the summer heat).
Why would my coraline start to turn white? i did rearrange my rock about 2 months ago which i took it all out, but did store it in the water from my tank that i drained.
help!! i'm loosing one of the best things of a reef tank!


Active Member
Calcium, Alkalinity, Temperature all look okay. Are the lights been the original bulbs? If so may be a time for new bulbs. The lose some of their spectrum over time and I have read, while conflicting, that you should change your bulbs anywhere from 6 months to a year. So 8 months seems to be a good time. Oh yeas you did not post your lighting schedule that may help us in determining the cause.


i've actully increased my lighting. I have a 6 bulb t-5HO set-up. My 2 atinics come on at 8am and turn off at 7pm. my 3 daylight and 1 atinic come on at 9am and turn off at 6pm. My bulbs are just about 8 months old as well, but the light cycle i have stated above just started about 3 weeks ago when i got my corals. before that everything was about 2 hours less (one hour less in the morning and one at night).
I have been told that after about 6 months they start to lose thier spectrum as well, but i was going to try and hold off due to the cost of them. at about 22-25 bucks a pop, replacing 6 bulbs gets expensive.


Active Member
my coralline started fading last month (odd, 8 month mark as well), i started using b-ionic because my alk and calcium were very low. now, its growing wild everywhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
i've actully increased my lighting. I have a 6 bulb t-5HO set-up. My 2 atinics come on at 8am and turn off at 7pm. my 3 daylight and 1 atinic come on at 9am and turn off at 6pm. My bulbs are just about 8 months old as well, but the light cycle i have stated above just started about 3 weeks ago when i got my corals. before that everything was about 2 hours less (one hour less in the morning and one at night).
I have been told that after about 6 months they start to lose thier spectrum as well, but i was going to try and hold off due to the cost of them. at about 22-25 bucks a pop, replacing 6 bulbs gets expensive.
IF you increased your lighting recently it could just be bleaching because of the new intensity. Should grow back.


Do you have any animals (inverts) that graze on coraline? my longspine urchin does this regularly.


i didnt increase my lighting as in intensity, but i did in length.
I dont have anything anymore. I used to have a longspine like you (gustavo), but it died along w/ many other inverts when my tank crashed about a month ago. I loved that guy, but i have corals now, so i wont get another one.
I'll just wait it out and hope it starts to come back.


Active Member
check your phosphates. phosphates at low levels slow coraline growth at high levels kills coraline.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
check your phosphates. phosphates at low levels slow coraline growth at high levels kills coraline.
my phosphates are undetectible. I use RO/DI water and then run phos-lock. I hate algea!!!