Losing Salt


New Member
Can anyone give some reasons as to why I would lose salt in my 10 gal tank? I check the salinity in my tank and one day it was perfect and the next day it was low?
Thank You Tammy


What are you using to measure your salinity? If anything the SG should actually go up a little due to evaporation.


Active Member
When I check my water that has been sitting in a bucket pre mixed its cold and the salinity has dropped at least 2 points then when I mixed it to begin with when it was warm. When I warm the water up it goes back to normal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
When I check my water that has been sitting in a bucket pre mixed its cold and the salinity has dropped at least 2 points then when I mixed it to begin with when it was warm. When I warm the water up it goes back to normal.
That shouldn't happen if you have an atc refractometer.


What is the temperature variation you are having? Temperature variations will affect salinity. Refractometer checks/calibrates the temperature when checking Specific Gravity.