Lost 2 fish


I just recently lost 2 fish that I have had in my 29 gal for quite some time.
I had a flame angel that died with very few symptoms and died quite quickly. He was in my tank for about 3 months and was extremely healthy and eating regularly prior to dying.
My real loss was today. I lost a maroon clown that I have had for about 3 years. He started showing symptoms a few days after the flame died. First his eyes became cloudy, then a white slime started hanging off his body. He was sick for about 3 days before he died. He was extremely healthy and vibrant up until his symptoms started. I have a 6-line wrasse in there as well that is currently showing no symptoms. Is this Brooklynella?
Nothing had been added to the tank in recent months. I have been keeping up with monthly water changes of 10 gallons. For equipment, I have a wet/dry that sits on the floor behind the tank that has about 10 - 15 gallons of water in it. I also have a prizm protein skimmer that hangs on the back of the tank.
The tank has 30 lbs of LR and also has a scarlet cleaner, a peppermint, brittle star, 6 scarlets, 6 blue legs, and about 10 turbos. All inverts are doing fine.
I was treating for ich, the kind ok for inverts. Should I continue treatment? Should I do a partial water change? When do you feel it is ok to add additional fish?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Take a look at the clownfish in the Diseased Fish Thread who have brooklynella. Is that what your clowns had?