Lost a fish today


Active Member
Well, the dwaf angel went belly up practically before my very eyes. I think this is the one that brought ich in the first place.So sad, she was just hiding and we were like 30 minutes away from h tank being ready and 5 or 10 minutes later she was on bottom in corner belly up and barely alive. I did get the tang into h tank. Now I notice a cleaner shrimp has eggs and is acting very lethargic hanging out on bottom of tank in front. Doesn't want to eat. Tests are good what the heck is going on?


I'm sorry to hear your loss, good luck with the tank. About the cleaner shrimp, don't feed her. When you feed her regularly, she'll be lazy to find food on her own, for example picking parasites. So good luck again and sorry to hear your loss.


how long is your dwarf angel have ichs?? iches won't kill the fish fast. And how long did your cleaner shrimp have eggs, if they fry going to get release that night, they will not eat that evening.


Active Member
I think the dwarf angel had ich when I bought it about 3 weeks ago and it spread to my tang. I didn't have a h tank so it took me a couple days to set it up properly. so anyway I have no idea how long this particular fish had it. At least 3 weeks. I'm not sure how long the shrimp has had the eggs, but it's perking up now, eggs still there. How long do they carry them?