
lost all my stuff last week due to the power outage in South Carolina freezing weather came thru and power was off for 2 days I had to throw everything away except my live rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by wayne40
lost all my stuff last week due to the power outage in South Carolina freezing weather came thru and power was off for 2 days I had to throw everything away except my live rock

See below $100. Very sorry to hear it!


are you from the upstate in SC? We're from Anderson..
Sorry for your loss.


Same thing happened to me 2 years ago in SC due to the ice storm :-(
I went out and bought a generator just for my tank...of course I will ahve no problems plugging in a heater and the TV for myself!
It really sucks to have that happen, but as another post stated you'll be back.


i have to agree with brianrich, I live in ks and with storms and tornados, u just never know when u might loose power. I got a generator just for the several tanks i got running. and it works great for the rest of the house as well. maybe noisy and kinda exspencive to buy one and set it up, but well worth it if u save hundreds in fish, coral, and other critters. I would have to agree with getting one, but hay that is my opinion.


Grumpy, that Jump Starter will power your entire tank? What do you plug into it? Will it power your tank AND a tv AND a home heater? How long will it run? I was looking at one at Home Depot but am totally clueless about the watts and what I need.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seahorse11
Grumpy, that Jump Starter will power your entire tank? What do you plug into it? Will it power your tank AND a tv AND a home heater? How long will it run? I was looking at one at Home Depot but am totally clueless about the watts and what I need.
No,No,No this is just an emergency back up to keep a thermometer and maybe a powerhead going. It ran for 6+ hours with filter and PH hooked up. It is not a cure all. The most important thing is for the Temp to run. If I run just the thermometer it will probably go atleast ~ 24 hrs if not alot more, since it is not pulling current all of the time. I am lucky enough to have a golf cart with 6 additional 12 Vs if needed. This set up has two outlets on the converter for standard plugs and the converter plugs into the battery via a cigerette lighter adapter that came with the converter.
Hope this helps?


Originally Posted by wayne40
thanx for everyone's replies....yes I live in Fair Play just above Anderson

Cool. If I didn't have my work generator, I would have the same results. Bet there wasn't a generator for sale within a 100 mile radius after the ice storm....
Ever been to Oceans Floor in Greenville? Top notch guy's, father/son. I think they are going to file me and my lady as children on their personal taxes we go in there so much! Take care....


Active Member
I am actually in the market now for a generator just to prevent this from happening. We seem to lose power often in my area and one of this year's hurricans knocked the power out for at least 24 hours. I plan to also get an APC power backup surge protector in case the power goes out while I am at work. The APC should at least keep a power head and themometer going until I get home.


Active Member
It was weird, a couple hours after i read this post last night, my power went out... :eek: I was worried, but fish seem to be doing alsright, it was only out from like 2 in the morning im thinking to about noon this afternoon...I am sorry to hear about your losses.


My power stayed off all day the Thurs. that it happened. House temp got down to the 60* mark. Cranked up the little Coleman 2000 watt generator and ran my pump/power heads/heater and it did a great job for the next 4 days. Never thought about it before but when you have $3K invested in your tank, a $300 generator dosen't sound that bad. All our corals were shy when the metal halides came back on after being off for a few days! If I didn't already have "ole genie", I'd drove to Alaska to find one if I had to....Being without power makes you appreciate it that much more when it comes back on!


BTW, our tank got down to the 65* mark Thurs and our fish and corals all made it. Clowns thought they were in Antarctica!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SBV
.Being without power makes you appreciate it that much more when it comes back on!
Couldnt agree more! The numerous hurricanes of the last couple seasons here in FL have taught me to appriciate power like never before!


yes I go to the Oceans Floor in Greenville a good bit as a matter of fact may go today they have a great variety for around here and I also like to go to Atlanta over to The Fish Store & More now if you can't find what you need there then you don't need it...LOL