Lost And Confused


New Member
Alrighty, i have a 20 gallon marine and m interested in setting up a 55 gallon reef. I have two 125gph power heads, will that be enough? Also... what kind of lighting would I use... I am interested in having almost an anemone garden where i can attempt to breed clownfish (but i doubt my excellence)... In the middle is where I am going to make a live rock display, sordove a mountain, where I hope to have as many invertebraes as 'allowed' with cardinals... but i don't think they can go in with our friendly clowns... and i have thoughts about attempting to grow some type of salt water plants on the right... I am not sure what kind of fish i really want but i am serious about the structure and the clowns... Please, what kind of lighting would I need and is the power heads enough?