Lost female of mated pair, need suggestions please!


New Member
Three weeks ago we lost our beloved female True Purcula. She had been with us for 3 years, and had another owner 5 years prior. She and her mate laid eggs all the time, and were very happy together.
The female jumped out after harassment from a Yellow Banded Maroon clownfish. These guys have all be togeher at least 5 years, and we have never had this problem before. I obviously didn't see her jump out the back or I would have saved her, but my guess was she was trying to protect the male when this happened...he is a wimp. We got rid the the Maroon right after this happened, but the male True is still swimming at the top. He is eating, etc.., but will not go down to his anonome. I am wondering if the male is ready for a new mate at this point? I have also read that it is possible to get 2 more of the Trues and they will all three live together. Has anyone ever done this? Is it a good idea to even try?


Active Member
No, definately not.
NEVER have more than two clowns at a time.
Never in odd numbers.
Never mix species.


No, it won't work. We lost one of our percs a while ago and I thought I'd buy another mated pair to see if they would get along. After about two weeks, the original perc was bullied into a corner of the tank and disappeared completely after another two weeks or so. These were all the same species, but it was obvious that the three could not live together. The remaining two percs are doing quite well now.

reef diver

Active Member
Heres what u do, i have the same prediacament, and have gotten that advice, its really sensical, why make the upheval of your clown hard, just buy a tiny clown, same species, and make sure hes wild, then put them together, because the male can still change to female, get rid of the maroon, and get a new tiny clown thats what Im gonna do


I have kept multiples of false percs together, no problems. Not sure if the same applies to true percs.


Active Member
just get a new true perc, the smallest one that you can find. and just throw it in... and it doesn't have to be wild


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
i want to go wild tho. Maybe not tho, maybe Ill get an onyx perc
Why would you want a wild one. What's the advantage?
Captive bred clownfish are every bit as beautiful and beguiling as their wild brothers. They are hosted by everything, are as disease free as the tank they come out of, and are accustomed to captive life. Why would you want to take anything out of the ocean unnecessarily?

reef diver

Active Member
Well I know that, And after I posted that I learned that with my one wild perc, a captive bred perc will host. I was just looking for the hosting behavior. Clowns are just one of those fish that people really want to do somethingf that a wild counterpart normally does. So I will buy a captive bred true perc, To go with my wild one. Instead of taking from the ocean.