Lost Ghost Shrimp

I have a 55 gal tank with 2 perc and a scooter blenny. I put 2 ghost shrimp in the tank... one died the next day (i think i damaged him during acclimation, long story) but the second shrimp hung around the tank for a couple days and then mysteriously disappeared. I looked all over for him but can't find him anywhere. I dont think that the perc are large enough to eat the shrimp, and I dont think the shrimp could have jumped/craweled out of the tank. Could the shrimp have buried itself in the CC and died? Where else could he have gone?
-- Tor


Do you have an overflow? I put a few in my tank, they somehow managed to all find their way into the overflow and now there are 5 grass shrimp in my refugium.


actually ghost shrimp can be adapted to freshwater but I dont know how long they can live in that environment. They do not occur naturally in saltwater though. Grass shrimp on the other hand are saltwater feeder shrimp. I catch them on my dock all the time.