lost my first inhabitants


Active Member
Last weekend I lost the first saltwater fish that I ever purchased (Eibli angel) that had lived in my tank for nearly 2 years. I also lost my green mandarin, which had been in the tank for a year and a half. My two false perc's were stressed, but survived.
Problem...my heater got stuck in the "on" cycle and heated my tank to over 100 degrees. I have replaced the heater with a smaller model that I was using for my water change tub. Is this problem a common one? I was looking at the tank not more than 4 or 5 hours before I found them dead and all were acting normal...and not having any problems at all with the tank or equipment for quite some time now, I didn't look at the thermometer or anything like that...no g'news is good g'news type of thing... Should I be concerned of this happening again or should I just take it as being a fluke thing that happened?
I am majorly bumming about my fish, I was so proud that I had kept my first fish for nearly 2 years and that I had managed to provide a home that allowed my mandarin to flourish for so long...only to lose them to something like this


Ah, that stinks! Same thing happened to me , but I caught it at 92 degrees. It could have been old age (of the heater) or some other freak accident. You can try looking at my handle history to see the thread, quite a few people chimed in. Its titled "EMERGENCY!!"


Active Member
by the time that I got to the tank, it was too late for the two that died. I immediately went to get water to cool the tank down...as I don't have an RO unit...and was able to get the temperature down to about 85 rather quickly (I guess I got lucky...I didn't think about causing more stress for my clowns...I just wanted the tank cooler!).
I have an $80+ credit with SWF.com, so I guess I will be restocking my tank in the near future...I thought about getting a different angel, but decided that I wanted to return my tank to what it has been for a year plus. I plan on an Eibli angel, a green mandarin, and possibly a punctato butterfly...though I am a little hesitant with the butterfly (size issues).