Lost my first SW fish today

nyy fan

Finished doing a H2O change today and noticed my lawnmower blenny curled up in the corner. He was the first fish I bought, and now he is the first fish I lost.
My H2O is fine...did all the tests...
I think it might be that I don't have a lot of lighting, thus he cleaned out my algae supply pretty quickly and couldn't eat. Does this sound possible? :( <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />

nyy fan

Is there nobody that can give me an opinion on my post? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
Has anyone had a lawnmower die because of lack of algae? I am afraid that my tank is not mature enough to handle this kind of fish. Could someone with the same experiences shed some light here?
For heaven's sake, please don't make me post something like "What did you name your fish?', just to get a answer to a legitamate question. ;)


Yeah, they are picky about what they eat. I always put in some green algae to supplement his diet. Mine eats the same stuff I feed my tangs. Once he cleaned off my LR and there wasn't much left I had to feed him every day like that, with some in a vege-clip. Try that next time, it will help


Oh, and sorry to hear you lost him, Lawnmowers are great additions to any tank, and I'm sure he will be missed.
i know your frustrations on getting a reply at times... it may have been his diet, no food, no eats. sorry to hear about your loss <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />

nyy fan

Thanks for the responses...
Just an FYI to everyone who is starting a new tank...if you think you have enough algae to support a lawnmower, you probably don't (my LR was COVERED and he lasted one week). I actually spoke to someone on another board who has to grow algae on LR in a separate 10G and switch it with a rock in his display to keep his blenny eating.
The lawnmower blenny is great...I just feel like I let mine down as an owner.


some alge blennys do starve to death. i got lucky with mine he eats when i feed my tang dried nori, alge pellets, small pellet food with spirulina.


Active Member
blenny's really require alot of algae to survive!! I lost one for the same reason. I think if you don't supplement their diet then a tank no smaller than 100 gal without any other algae eaters is almost a must.


Active Member
My Lawnmower has been doing great in a 55gal reef tank with 120lbs of lr. Once in a while I put some Seaweed Selects in a clip an it munches on that, but I only do that about twice a month.