Lost my Harlequin


I thought I finally got it right. I got a small harlequin a few months ago. He was very active and ate ferociously. He was my favorite fish. This weekend he wouldn't come out from under his rock. He wasn't breathing heavily and there were no spots or tears on him or his fins. Yesterday I found what was left of him (clean up crew did quite a number on him). I don't know why he died, but I'm scared it had something to do with his diet. I went on vacation last week for a week and a half. He had to rely on the automatic feeder. He didn't get his usual mysis and clams. I guess I'm going to give up on harlequins
This was my second attempt at keeping them.


I'm talking about my Indian Harlequin Tusk. I didn't notice anything strange. Sadly, I've been so sick lately that my tank has been pretty neglected. I didn't really pay attention. I do remember throwing a clam in the day after I got home and he devoured it. I'm starting to think there is something off with the water. I just noticed a coral is bleaching, my anems don't look so hot, and things just don't look as bright and open as they should. I think this might be bigger than a week vacation. I think my pregnancy is starting to take its toll on my tank.

I have somebody coming over tomorrow to do a big water change and test everything for me. I just don't have it in me to do it. My hubby is out of town, not that he would want to do it anyway. I told him about the fish and he said "honey, its just a fish."


Active Member
Ten days on a new diet, or even without food, will not kill most healthy fish. Indo-Pacific HTs are often caught using cyanide and this sounds like that could easily be the cause. Cyanide caught fish are known to suddenly croak for no reason. If you replace it, I'd spend the extra $ and get an Australian HT, prettier too. BTY, the pic of an HT on this site is an Aussie, but they sell the indo-pacific.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Ten days on a new diet, or even without food, will not kill most healthy fish. Indo-Pacific HTs are often caught using cyanide and this sounds like that could easily be the cause. Cyanide caught fish are known to suddenly croak for no reason. If you replace it, I'd spend the extra $ and get an Australian HT, prettier too. BTY, the pic of an HT on this site is an Aussie, but they sell the indo-pacific.
Thanks, that is good to know. I had a hormonal freak out and decided I was killing my entire tank. I payed $100 to have someone come and clean out the tank and test my water for me. Everything came out fine (except phoshaptes, but that has nothing to do with the HT). I'll wait until I get a bigger tank and then invest in the Australian HT.