Lost my last surviving horseshoe crab


For those of you who remember the horseshoe I rescued several months back from my lfs, he has moved on to a saltier place. He didn't grow that much despite eating well. I was sure he had enough food to keep him going, but they really do need a tremendous amount of variety. So, even though I feel he survived much longer in my tank than he would've in his previous home, he will be surely missed. I probably won't get another one because they need much more than a home aquarium to thrive. Thought I'd pass that story on to you. COOP.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss :( Imagine how long he would have lived in the ocean :)
[ October 21, 2001: Message edited by: Adrian ]
Hey Coop are sure its dead or did it molt??
I thought for sure mine was a goner till about a week later it came crawling from behind the L/R. I think after they molt they burrow down until the new shell hardens some (just a guess) if not sorry for the loss.


Yep. It's dead. It fooled me once before, like you said, but I discovered him while switching out my silica sand for southdown sand. I only found one body, dead. He was cool, but definatly difficult to keep happy.
My horseshoe crab crawled to the back of my tank behind my rock and I cant get it out, I didn't know they lost their shells, se it's possible he could still be alive just in my sand?