Lost Sailfin


My tank is a 125 reef, I have lots of rock but for the most part I can see into all corners etc. I have four fish, all seemed fine and healthy. I have a Hippo Tang, Tomato Clown, Flame Hawkfish and aSailfin Tang. All young and two-three inches. On Sunday all were present and accounted for, on Monday morning the Sailfin was nowhere to be found, tried feeding etc. Monday evening i began to move the rock around, still no luck. I checked my overflow box - no sign. I even looked around on the floor.
I have a number of bristle starfish hiding in the rocks and I have three or four hermit crabs that are not very large but not small. As I indicated, there were no apparent signs of any health issues, however, the Hippo always seemed to bully the Sailfin, nothing serious but it seemed to always want to show who's in charge. the Sailfin was eating OK on Sunday but it did seem to be moving slowly, again it had no ich, no velvet coverings or cludy eyes.
Can hermits and Brisstle Stars consume an entire fish in one day? I'm lost for an explanation.
Water parameters this morning, Amonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate < 5. PH 8.1