lots of algae


I have a 35 gallon hexagon tank with live rock and live sand,a bubble coral,a torch coral,and lots of various mushrooms.I used to have a 27 watt 6700k and a 9watt actinic 7100k custom sealife light and never had an algae problem until i upgraded my light to a 96 watt powerquad smartlite from custom sealife now i have brown algae all over the glass and green hair algae on the rocks and sand.I have my lights on around 8 hrs per day.please help.


Active Member
If you are only using the smart light then your lighting is too weak for a good reef system.
Your nitrates and phosphates are probably too high.
What are your calcium readings?
[ June 20, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]


I agree, Your phosphates and nitrates must be too high and now that you have better lighting, BOOM, Algae.
What are you using for your water changes and top off water. Tap, R/O?