Lots of coral, inverts and fish


Active Member
This is too good to be true, my 75g tank just finished cycling and I just found a guy who is selling his full stocked 75g tank with all the below listed stock. For those of you who may have done this, can I just move the corals to my new tank rightaway. What would the best way to move these guys and keep them alive. What do I do? I hope I can make this work. the yellow Tang I'll try and find a bigger home for, but the other fish should be OK? There is also a lot of equipment, refugium, skimmer, power compacts, canisters etc...
~100lbs. Fiji Live Rock
~10lbs. Tonga Branch Live Rock
~40lbs. Live Sand
-Goniopora (flower pot) - Green - 6x3" closed; 9x9" open
-Pink Centered Zoos 1 rock 2x3" - 10+ polyps
-Leather - Toadstool (yellow/green 4-5"; dividing)
-Mushroom Coral - Blue - 7+ mushrooms
-3 Mushroom Polyps - Green Ricordea
-Mushroom Coral x 2 - Green 6+ polyps
-Mushroom Coral - Blue spotted green 6+ polyps
-Sun Coral Orange -3x2"
-Tree Sponge - Orange
-Kenya Tree Coral 3" x 3
-Assorted Caulerpa - full refugium
-Red Kelp x 2
-Yellow Tang
-Coral Beauty Angelfish
-Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel
-Fire Shrimp
-Scarlet Legged Hermit Crabs - reef safe x ~5
-Blue Legged Hermit Crabs - reef safe x ~15
-Turbo/Astrea Snail ~20+
-Nassarius Snails - 6+
-Lettuce Nudibranch
-Serpent Star - Black & White Striped
Any and all comments good or bad will be appreciated.


if your tank just finished cycling i would not add all those corals at once jmo
but on the fish if you added them all at once your ammonia would go way up!


Active Member
Here are my thoughts, go ahead and put all the inverts into my tank along with the flame, that should be ok all at once?
Get a bunch of coolers, put in the LR and cover all the rock with his tank water so that they are never out of the water, the drive home should be about 30 minutes. I've got some of those styrofoam containers the pet stores use, fill a couple of these with his tank water and put the corals in them. Buy a bunch of 5 gallon bottles and fill with his tank water,
Prior to all this I figured I could go get one of those 60g black Koi pond tubs from HomeDepot and set it up in a spare bedroom, then fill it his tank water, toss in all the live rock arrange the coral and hang the power compacts over this tub. Then over a period of time I could introduce them to the main tank. Would this work? I don't think I should use his LS as it would get stirred up to much and die off?


Active Member
Sounds like that would work, But if your getting the whole set up with tank why not just set it all up and then transfer litttle by little.If you got the HD pond would that be safe inside being that it would be wide open to things getting into it and also evap would be a little rough for the corals.How much for the set up.


Active Member
bump......For those of you who have purchased an established can you please give some advice, as I don't want to do any harm to the corals and would rather somebody else get them if I can't do this the correct way....Thanks


Active Member
I have purchased 2 established tank with many corals and inverts and i have moved and upgraded a few times.I dont understand your question
.What is it that you need help with???


Active Member
Whats the best way for me to get all these corals to my house and keep them alive since my tank just cycled. Whats the best method for moving LR from A to B without a lot of dieoff.


Active Member
LR can be put in rubbermaid totes with some tank water with lid on, you can transport it that way and let it stay in there for the time it takes to get the other tank set up (ASAP).Corals if they are small can be bagged or put in a tupperware bowl or large cotainer with tank water.I have done this for 6-8 hrs that it took to take the tank down and put it back up. I had very little to no die off and no spikes to speak of.


Active Member
why dont you just set up his old tank with all of the stuff in it, as well as your new one for a little while, and slowly sransfer the stuff from his old one to yours, until everything is in the new one, then get rid of the old one?


Active Member
I'm worried about dieoff and trying to limit a spike. There is a considerable dollar value on the corals and I don't want to take any chances thats why I'm thinking about using as much of "his" tank water and LR re-united when we get home. I can put some of the inverts and the flame and maybe a coral or two in my existing tank. I am simply trying to figure out how to house the other corals and LR the best way with the least risk of problems


Active Member
You'll be fine as long as you get it home and put it right back together and get the stuff back in. :happyfish