lots of IDs on one rock


first off, this rock came out of a mushroom display tank, a previously identified crab was hiding in the rock and i wanted the crab, got the crab for free, just paid for the half pound of LR
my guesses:
red -- some type of mushrooms, eventho they look like rics sometimes, not under proper lighting im assuming so they will die, just curious
blue -- some sponges
yellow -- bad pictures, but looks like a small feather duster or something similar, doesnt move, imbedded in the rock
green -- what im really interested in, some form of mollusk, thought it was a hunk of shell just stuck in the rock til i went to poke it and it closed, when it opened, i saw a small tongue/worm like thing moving inside the shell, never came out though
please identify all with specific names if possile
ie, not just a sponge, but what type, thanks!
first pic shows the mollusk thing closed, second is as open as it ever gets



Active Member
The red does look like mushrooms regrowing. What kind of lights do you have??
Yellow does look like featherduster
Blue, not sure, I get them too, thought they were egg sacks, but could be sponges.
Green, clam or mullusk, just leave it, it will filter feed.


i dont have coral lights or anything, just a fixture from menards, 2 45w 48" long bulbs, 5100k
and i wasnt gonna move it, just curious what it was, its very neat, wanted to find more pictures of it
as far as the egg sack things, i thought that too, but nothing has hatched and they are on both sides of the rock, would be curious if they were eggs, what kind


Active Member
yellow looks like forineferans (or how ever you spell those things)
clam looks like a turkey wing clam


Active Member
The blue are definitely sponges. As to what type I dunno. I have them in my tank. I do know that they aren't pineapple/q-tip sponges.


noticed today that they have thin whispy tentacles, similar to corals sweeper tentacles, didnt know sponges had that?