Lots of pics and questions...


Ok here we go... First off i pruchased a bunch of corals today and i have a few questions. Sorry for the fuzzyness, my camera is a piece.
In the first pic - i have a few shrooms. I want to get an ID on the shrooms and the "brown encrusting stuff" around it.
In the second/third pics - there was a hitchhicking snail can any1 ID it? It has a log antennae that sticks out to the front. (3rd pic also shows a bristle worm)
Fourth/Fifth Pic is a Ricordia - can any1 tell me what type it is? One picture is with flash and one w/o.
Sixth pic - is the bristle work (i think) that was attached to my gonoporia. Is this a bristle?
Seventh pic is my clownfish - has anyone ever seen one without the middle white band connecting? I love him....
and thats all i have for now. my fish store had a big sale so i stocked up on things....



Snail is a nassarius snail, last pic looks to be a blue/green ricordea


Active Member
kind of looks like a whelk. i had one that look just like that. if i knew how to link i would sorry. i was told they were really bad and to get rid of it.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
kind of looks like a whelk. i had one that look just like that. if i knew how to link i would sorry. i was told they were really bad and to get rid of it.

Yeah, my first instinct was that it is a whelk. I put it in my QT just to be sure... i don't know what to do with it.
Nassarius snails bury themselves in the sand right? This snail is all over the place - mostly on the glass.
Should i put it in my fuge or just get rid of it?
The snail is a whelk. I had one that started multiplying rapidly. I got rid of them. I heard they will attack clams and other snails.


Interesting... He is still in my QT w/ nothing in it at the moment, but next time i see him he's gone. Thanks


Active Member
if it's in your fuge, i'd keep it there. They are carnivores and will eat whatever they can come across so do keep an eye out in your tank for more of them though.


Active Member
That clown looks like a "teardrop clown" if I am not mistaken. Look on google under that name and see if that sounds right.


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
That clown looks like a "teardrop clown" if I am not mistaken. Look on google under that name and see if that sounds right.
The only pics i found for a "teardrop" clown was of a "Cinnamon Teardrop Clown" and it actually looked liked a tear drop right under it's eye.
After looking further and comments form others i am pretty sure it is a mis-bar clown.