lots of pics cause I was bored


Active Member
Couple decent pics, most suck cause my unsteady hands (I was starving).
Took pics of all three of my tanks, only one of my freshwater... didnt wanna torture you all too much :p
First few of the 46 bowfront.
Can you see whats hidden in the first pic?
Second pic is one of my three BTA's after the one split into three. Its hard to see the third, but he is in a crevice in the middle of the pic.



Active Member
last pic is the one of my freshwater tank, my massive pacu. When I bought him he was no bigger than two inches acrossed. He probably 16 or so inches now after roughly a year and a half.



Active Member
Here starts my other saltwater tank. A 55 gallon I purchased from someone from this site. Its being used for frags mostly atm.. but still has some cool stuff in it.
In the pic with all the frags you should be able to see my convict goby... if you look hard enough :) he is such a cool fish.
Also sorry about the anthias pic.. its a amazingly beautiful fish.. but oh so hard to catch in a good pic.



wow, thats a big pacu. I have 2 and they are crazy. They grow soo fast.