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did your tangs squabble a bit at first or did they get along? i've had a sailfin for a while now and i added a foxface and he doesn't really hurt him he just charges him then stops right near him(once he sees the spikes come out). he seems to be calming down a bit now though. it seems he's just showing off now! :happyfish


Originally Posted by DEA_MT
did your tangs squabble a bit at first or did they get along? i've had a sailfin for a while now and i added a foxface and he doesn't really hurt him he just charges him then stops right near him(once he sees the spikes come out). he seems to be calming down a bit now though. it seems he's just showing off now! :happyfish
Yes they did. I just added the Sailfin and the Achilles kept fighting with it for about 2 hours... Now they are buds! My Yellow has never had an issue with any fish I have recently added. The only fish that has an issue is the six lined wrasse. He has bitten a couple spots out of my Mandarin. My foxface and my Kole are very passive.


Originally Posted by jr2857
love the tank
but the achilles should have some more orange on the tail
Huh... where did you come up with this???

ledzep fan

Active Member
dude awsome tank
I had a question. Could i keep a salfin tang or a Blue regal with these fish ( or any type of tang )?:
-black volitan lionfish
-koran angel
-yellow tang
-marine betta
-snowflake eel
-porcupine puffer
-maroon clown
These are all in a 120 and i wanted to add a tang. Any suggestions?


Awesome tank! What is your setup: how much live rock, lights, filter, etc...? I really like the combination of all your fish. I'm a big fan of tangs.


New Member
Originally Posted by DEA_MT
did your tangs squabble a bit at first or did they get along? i've had a sailfin for a while now and i added a foxface and he doesn't really hurt him he just charges him then stops right near him(once he sees the spikes come out). he seems to be calming down a bit now though. it seems he's just showing off now! :happyfish
I have a yellow tang and a foxface together. At first the yellow tang would charge him. After a few hours they settled down though and now they are best buddies and always within a few inches of each other.