New Member
I started my salt water tank the 1st of January. I have a 75 gallon tank with approx. 85 lbs of live rock, 100 lbs of live and and let my tank completely cycle prior to stocking. I have two power heads, a remora skimmer and the large filstar III filter canister. I started off with 3 clowns middle of January, one goby a few weeks later and on March 10 purchased a 6 line wrasse. I have since added anemone (long tentacle). I have a couple of problems. Last week I lost one of my clowns. It died shortly after being transferred to my 10 gallon quaranteen tank. It simply stopped eating and developed patches of lighter coloration. I had to isolate another clown yesterday. It suddenly stopped eating and appears to have small white spots, so I have begun treating with malachite green and formalin mixture. So far the fish is still alive but looking very pale and emaciated. I read to put a teaspoon of corn syrup in the water to give him some sustenance until he perks up and eats. If he survives by morning I'll be very surprised by the way he looks. All my water parameters are negative when tested. Salinity is 1.022, pH 8.3, temp 76. I have no idea why my clowns are affected. Everyone else in the fish tank at this point is thriving with voracious appetites. My next question - water changes. Such conflicting information! I have been doing 2.4 gallon changes twice a week. Is this enough? I thought a 5 gallon change once a week would be too stressful, but now I'm wondering if I need more. I also have 5 snails and 4 blue leg hermit crabs. Any information would be much appreciated.