lots of questions


okay i got a couplle of questions
1) should i have sand or gravel or crushed coral i got a snowflake eel, tang, clown
2) I have a cleaner shrimp and i just noticed he has a bubble on the right side of his abdomen and he's doing just fine what should i do?
3) What else should i feed to my fish i feed mysis and brine.
4)thinking of adding another clowfish and an anemone and mine is tankraised would they get together? maybe become a pair?
5) only half of my green star polyps are opening and i had them for a month is half of it dead?
6) how do you make polyps spread mine never grow.


Originally Posted by Kevin34
How old is the tank? You have nothing as a substrate right now?
6 years and it has half sand and gravel


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishissues
6 years and it has half sand and gravel
live sand or not? do you have live rock?


Originally Posted by alix2.0
live sand or not? do you have live rock?
hmmm idk if its live sand but bristle worms are in my sand i got live rock


Originally Posted by mie
If it's six years old and there is live rock then your sand is live.
thanks well im only 13 years old so it kinda helps


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishissues
okay i got a couplle of questions
1) should i have sand or gravel or crushed coral i got a snowflake eel, tang, clown live sand, 100%. i would remove the gravel. im thinking its the kind you get for freshwater aquariums, this stuff isnt reccomended for saltwater.
2) I have a cleaner shrimp and i just noticed he has a bubble on the right side of his abdomen and he's doing just fine what should i do? if its doing OK id just leave it. when was the last time the shrimp molted? he may just molt it off.
3) What else should i feed to my fish i feed mysis and brine. brine, unless newly hatched, is nutritionally useless, but mysis is good. VARIETY is very important. pick up a few different frozen foods. also, my fish like freeze dried bloodworms and tropical pellets.
4)thinking of adding another clowfish and an anemone and mine is tankraised would they get together? maybe become a pair?they could become a pair just make sure that they are the same species and the one you add is smaller than the one you already have. also i would hold off on the anemone. they need excellent parameters and very strong lighting in a mature tank. also there is not a 100% chance that your clowns will host it.
5) only half of my green star polyps are opening and i had them for a month is half of it dead?does it look like its melting? i doubt its dead, but i dont know much about GSP so i cant really tell you much more than that.
6) how do you make polyps spread mine never grow.just provide them with good parameters and make sure your lighting, flow, etc meets their needs and they should grow.


it doesn't look melted but it hasnt opened and the shrimp has multed 2 times and still bubble. also it's crushed coral my bad lol. how do i make sure if ones a female and a male for a pair of clowns?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishissues
it doesn't look melted but it hasnt opened and the shrimp has multed 2 times and still bubble. i would just let it be i dont think theres really anything you can do... also it's crushed coral my bad lol. oh well then in that case i would switch it for live sand. ill find a link on why you should do this...how do i make sure if ones a female and a male for a pair of clowns?all clowns are males and the more dominant one will become a female so as long as you have two (of the same species, this is important, as if you mix species theyll fight to the death) you will have a male and a female.


okay thanks also one more would they still become a pair if one of them in bred in captivity? and also later if i do get a anemone would they go in it or would only one thats not bred in captivity?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishissues
okay thanks also one more would they still become a pair if one of them in bred in captivity? and also later if i do get a anemone would they go in it or would only one thats not bred in captivity?
they could become a pair, but its not 100%. i used two aquacultured occelaris clowns, and they paired up fine.
on the anemone, they could host the anemone. one, both, or niether. the tank raised clown is less likely to host than a wild caught clown but it still may.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
they could become a pair, but its not 100%. i used two aquacultured occelaris clowns, and they paired up fine.
on the anemone, they could host the anemone. one, both, or niether. the tank raised clown is less likely to host than a wild caught clown but it still may.
k thanks for helping me out.