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I am getting close to finally setting my tank up and I am currently stocking up my supplies, what I need to know is, what is best to use in a sump/fuge. Should I use mud or a deep sand bed, and how deep should the sand be in the main tank, since I am doing one or the other in the sump? Also I was going to put chaeto in the sump, is it necessary to have if you use the mud? Next question: Live rock should be uncured if used to start a cycle is this correct? Should all the dead matter still be removed before it is put in or leave it on to help the cycle? I am also concerned about hearing that rock or tanks smell really bad during a cycle what can be done about this? I have a lot of people that live here and will not be to happy about that if this is true. I also am in a bind when it comes to my initial fill up, from what I have been reading you need to mix for 24 hours before putting in the tank.. so does this apply for the initial fill up also,and if so then I can only add 55 gallon every other day? or is there an easier way to do this? Last question I had a thread about using a denitrator in my sump along with my fuge I wanted to know if it is o.k. to use it or to much overload, no one responded to my post so I am not sure if anyone is familiar with this? It uses a vodka drip. Thanks in advance evryone!

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by mp32 http:///forum/post/2597295
I am getting close to finally setting my tank up and I am currently stocking up my supplies, what I need to know is, what is best to use in a sump/fuge. Should I use mud or a deep sand bed, and how deep should the sand be in the main tank, since I am doing one or the other in the sump? Also I was going to put chaeto in the sump, is it necessary to have if you use the mud? Next question: Live rock should be uncured if used to start a cycle is this correct? Should all the dead matter still be removed before it is put in or leave it on to help the cycle? I am also concerned about hearing that rock or tanks smell really bad during a cycle what can be done about this? I have a lot of people that live here and will not be to happy about that if this is true. I also am in a bind when it comes to my initial fill up, from what I have been reading you need to mix for 24 hours before putting in the tank.. so does this apply for the initial fill up also,and if so then I can only add 55 gallon every other day? or is there an easier way to do this? Last question I had a thread about using a denitrator in my sump along with my fuge I wanted to know if it is o.k. to use it or to much overload, no one responded to my post so I am not sure if anyone is familiar with this? It uses a vodka drip. Thanks in advance evryone!

Lets see what we can do here; first of all sand vs. mud in sump. Personal preference and availability of mud-dwelling creatures. Most have limited access to critters that dwell in the sand and don't want to deal with rhisome forming macro algaes like caulerpa, so they opt for sand. You may want to check out the following thread.
As far as DSB vs. Shallow, again its a matter of personal preference; I run a 6" DSB in my DT and a shallow sandbed in the sump ~ again, sand stirring critters are the key. LR can be uncured to start the cycle (although cured and dead shrimp will also work). Personally I would scrub all the dead stuff you can from the LR, as this will cut down on the smell ~ the more you leave on, the stronger it will smell. Opinions vary as too how bad it smells, but it depends on how much dead stuff is on the rock. Have a friend currently curing 300lbs in tubs, and he scrubbed nothing off ~ can't stand to be in the shop with the stuff. I always scrub mine, and I've never noticed any odar. Initial fill can be "pushed" by only mixing water for an hour or so ~ just be sure all salt has dissolved and I would check salinity prior to adding; temp adust if you can, as it will help to cut down on die-off. I know nothing about the denitrator or the vodka drip, although the vodka drip was as thread topic in the reef tank forum awhile back (do a topic search ~ you'll find the thread). Hope that helps.