Lots of very small particals in my water


I don't think that what I am seeing is bubbles. My water, I think is very clear, but I am seeing lots of whitish practicals in my water. Here is a pic that shows the clarity of the water, I will try to get a side shot of the tank when I get home from work.


are they floating in your water, or are they on the glass. could be copepods or maybe some of your sand (some of the real fine stuff) is getting blown around.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by mckaax
I don't think that what I am seeing is bubbles. My water, I think is very clear, but I am seeing lots of whitish practicals in my water. Here is a pic that shows the clarity of the water, I will try to get a side shot of the tank when I get home from work.

Are you dosing the tank? whats your alk and cal


Originally Posted by wfd1008
are they floating in your water, or are they on the glass. could be copepods or maybe some of your sand (some of the real fine stuff) is getting blown around.
Its floating, Yea there are tons I mean millions of pods on the glass I have no fish to eat them yet.


Active Member
What kind of filtration? If you have a sump with no sponges etc. you might be able to add one betweeen the baffles. It's likely just very fine sand and other particulate matter. I will ocassionally lay a paper towel over my sponges to collect the very fine particles they dont. Dont leave it there for long, it'll eventually breakdown.
Just a few hows every so often, then remove it and toss it. Also it will pretty quickly plug up and back up, potentuially causing a flood. So watch it pretty closely.


I was thinking about getting a filter sock for the sump input. But then I was afraid that pods and stuff would get caught in there and die. What do you think about the socks.