Lots Of Worms


New Member
hey guys i ahve alot of red sandworms in my tank. I read an article recently that some can be harmful towrds corals and inverts. i had an 8 inch or so worm lurking around for quite some time and thought nothing of him. One day my sallylight foot crab and cleaner shrimp disappeared. I assumed they ahd died or something until i saw the sally still alive with no legs and that big worm lurking around it. As for the cleaner shrimp i have not seen anything from him. I removed the rock with the big worm in it and poured rubbing alcohol into it until he came out. This freaking thing was huge. In his rock was multiple half eaten snail and blue leg bodies. I also removed another 3 inch worm today while reaquascaping, and int he process saw several more worms. is it possible this big one killed those inverts and if so should i worry about the other worms. Thanx for the help Jon