lots of ??

how can iget rid of diatom?? its getting worse on my sand!!
do all xenias pulse??
whats the easiest anenome??
anyone in the bay area ?? want to trade?? or sell frags??


Active Member
get some snails and hermits and do water changes for the diatoms. search up top is your best friend if you want quick answers btw :)
bubble tips will be the "easiest" anenomes i believe, but for any of them you need to research the light requirements.
i already have clean up crew
6 turbos adding 6 more this weekend
8 bumble bees
2 emerald crab
6 hermit crabs
2 skunk shrimps
i have a28g btw


cut back on the lighting schedule to 5 or six hours a day.
that will really help with the diatoms. i had the same prob. and cut my lights back to 6 hours aday and after a couple weeks the diatoms were gone.
hope this helps.