loud overflow


I have a proclear 300 wet/dry. The skimmer box and overflow box have a real loud water flow sound. Any ideas how to muffle the sound ? thanks wifey not happy


Active Member
Originally Posted by zibnata
should the sponges be that low? Try to raise them a bit, see if that works.


Active Member
You may want to add some dursostandpipes (dot com). These are DIY-able. I put 2 in a homemade overflow box for my 75. The idea is to make a "tee" and cap it, leaving a "vent" hole to let water go down without the loud flushing sound or water fall.
Here is a pic of what they look like.


Thanks for the help. hot883 I raised the sponges and it is 100 % better. The water was going straight down the pipe. Brilliant.
Farmboy good idea, I will look into that. thank-you


Active Member
You could also try installing ball valves and tweaking them shut till the noise goes away. they also help when cleaning your tank or sump as they allow you to shut off the flow to the sump.


Active Member
I have the exact same brand , just the 150 gal size, and mine makes some noise too, kinda a slurpy noise.BUt its not usually too loud to bother my wife, and she doesnt like it loud. Mine is louder when the water level is too low though, dont know why??? Good luck to ya!
And Dragonboy its a Pro-Clear aqautics brand