Low light corals and inverts?


New Member
I have a small 10 gallon nano that I have light rock in right now. I have 50/50 bulbs that amount to 40 watts. This is considered low light and I am looking for corals that I can put in there to make my nano look colorful.


Active Member
Anything non-photosynthetic like suncorals, some gorgonians, or even low-light demanding things like shrooms.


New Member
Some shrooms say moderate light, are they still able to be used? My total light wattage will be 40 watts of 50/50.
yeah I think shrooms would be fine but you would probably want them on the upper half of your tank on some lr. Wangotango is totally right about the non-photosynthetic. One member on the sight that has a really nice non-photosynthetic tank is Viper 930. It is amazing the variety he has in there.