low light corals


I want to start adding coral to my tank, but for now I only have 15 watts for a 20 gal. I plan on adding more light, but wanted to know if I could keep anything under those lights??????


im not sure if you could keep anything. maybe some shrooms but I doubt even that. What type of lights are they? t5, pc?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dude23455
im not sure if you could keep anything. maybe some shrooms but I doubt even that. What type of lights are they? t5, pc?
for tht low light.. there is nothing... sponge but no corals untill you get some PC,t5,Mh, etc.
do some research on corals .. for a 20 gall i would reccomend 130 watts. 2 65 watts 50/50 PC for about 200


Sun corals and chili corals require little if any lights. You could almost definitely add those.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dude23455
I forgot about the non-photosynthetic corals.
you could have some gorgonias.
they are tough to care for and need to be in a very mature tanks


There are 'nocturnal' corals. And practically no light corals like, i cannot remember the name... its a branching type that is best placed under/hanging from the underside of a rock ledge or other poorly lit area. I have seen it but i forget what it is called. Was kinda a dark near black purple color. It reminded me of a gorgonian in shape a bit.


Originally Posted by bill109
for tht low light.. there is nothing... sponge but no corals untill you get some PC,t5,Mh, etc.
do some research on corals .. for a 20 gall i would reccomend 130 watts. 2 65 watts 50/50 PC for about 200
You could also go with 2-3 nova strip satelites and keep more than just real low lights. Thats what I have currently on my 15L. I have shrooms xenia and polyps in it. IF you wanted to go minimalistic. I assume you wish to try to keep algae growth down is why you want lower light corals? (good idea I think to go that way with less light for them too as less algae growth likely to form on them.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bojik
There are 'nocturnal' corals. And practically no light corals like, i cannot remember the name... its a branching type that is best placed under/hanging from the underside of a rock ledge or other poorly lit area. I have seen it but i forget what it is called. Was kinda a dark near black purple color. It reminded me of a gorgonian in shape a bit.

Could you mean a....Black Tube Coral, or Branched black tube, or Black sun coral. Tubastrea micrantha.


Originally Posted by larryndana
Could you mean a....Black Tube Coral, or Branched black tube, or Black sun coral. Tubastrea micrantha.
No wasn't that was something else...something with fire in its name I think.