Low light corals?



I recently set up a 20 gallon sw tank that came with a canopy hood that only gives me 1 watt per gallon of lighting. What corals if any can i keep and is there any type of lighting that can be installed under the canopy to give me more watts per gallon?
I would appreciate any help


Active Member
Ok it sounds like you have the normal flourescent fixture, like what comes with a freshwater setup right?
Thats not really even 1w per gallon.
I would only go with non-photosynthetic corals (corals that need NO light).
If you can upgrade to a power compact you would have more options like mushrooms and leathers.
I dont think a normal output flourescent strip is enough for even low light corals.
Maybe someone can chime in that has only a n.o. flourescent.
if you have a canopy you can get 'retrofit' fixtures that look like a light fixture but without the pretty housing.
Theres alot of people selling retrofits. You just install/

it in the hood and plug it in! You just have to decide how much light you want... which will tell you what corals you can get.
Most people shoot for Metal Halide because it has the most versitility of critters you can keep
Although, many people have had great sucess with just power compacts.
You definitely need new lighting I think