Low light corals

Well I going to get a mh and vho hood but i can't now.
My mom wouldnt let me spend the money.
So i guess i will have to stay with my PC for a while longer.
I am looking for a hardy coral for low light that will spread quikly.
What corals will spread quick under 3.59 watts of power compact lighting per gallon?
I have had luck with mushrooms and other soft corals.
Also can a plate coral survive in this low or a brain coral? I have always wanted one.


I don't know if they spread quickly but what about some star polyps the green ones are pretty.


Active Member
Hi, I have a tiny forty gallon tank with 130 watts of power compacts. I have had a moon brain and an open brain for two months now and they seem to be doing ok. I really can't tell if they are doing ok or not....they don't do too much but sit there and look pretty. They both have a florescent green glow. They look fine...same vibrant colors as when I bought them. I have them about 6 to 8 inches from the top of the tank, directly in the middle where the light fixture is to get the most light. I would put them up high since light decreases with the square of the distance. I have read that these corals can tolerate moderate to bright light. Good luck, Lesley