Lower the temp in the tank???


Hi, I have 125G set up now but the temp stays in 80 to 82 (without the light). I am trying to lower to about 75 degree but i dont want to spend alot of $$ for chiller. I am thinking there should be a way to lower few degrees in cheaper way.... This going to be a fish only tank. Does anyone know the cheap way to lower the temp. in tank????
Please let me know!!!
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :notsure:


Active Member
Yeah, get a cheap clip-on fan from Walmart and blow air across the surface of the water. Should drop the temp by 2 or 3...maybe more since you have a bigger tank=more surface area.


well my room temp is about 75 degrees. how the heck the my water temp is high??? I place a fan facing my sump couple hours ago but still nothing yet.


Active Member
I definitely would not want to lower it to 75 degrees! Anywhere from 78-84 degrees, IMO, is fine...and a cheapo fans do wonders. If you look at natural reef temps, most are in the low eighties...but very very few are in the mid seventies.


I had the same problem last week. I added two fans in the room, one ont he tank and one on the sump. Also put ac in the room now the temp dropped. Also exchanged my glass hood for the egg crates and now my temp is 8 with out lights and 80 with lights. Before it was reading 86 so thats a big improvement.


Active Member
Oh, good catch there - using eggcrate instead of glass will make a difference :yes: Of course you get more evaporation with all these fans and things, but it is a heck of a lot cheaper than a chiller :D


You said it ophiura, I wish I did more research before I bought those dag gone glass hoods. Now they are sitting collecting dust. But I will chalk it up to a learning experience!!!


I have a 75 that is for now a fowlr. My lfs told me to keep the temps between 75-80. At first the temps were 85 but I found out the heater was malfunctioning. After that was taken care of it lingered around 80. So I put a fan on the sump. Now the temp ranges from 76.8 to 79. Is this ok? Or should I let it run at the 80 degrees.


egg crates? i don't get it...how and why do egg crates serve as a hood? you don't mean egg CARTONS i don't imagine...(sorry i'm a city boy)


Active Member
ANywhere in that range is ok. As long as you dont have huge jumps between night and day. Most fish, LR, even corals can live in temps ranging from 75-84 but you should shoot for a constant temp of 78-80. IMO


Active Member
No, egg crate - sold in home depot etc for I think diffusers for flourescent lights and such....
Personally, I wouldn't go much lower than 78 degrees, especially if you wish to keep corals.


hey "its fishy", i thought exact same thing... egg crates???? I just couldn't imagin placing a egg "carton" that come with buying eggs from local groc store. I was very confused. :notsure:
But what are those "egg create" look like anyway???? Anyone got pics????
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Active Member
If anyone works in an office, look at what covers the lights. It is a pice of plastic with little pyramids on it. I can't bring cameras to work or I would take a pic.


Anyone ever use the chrome/silver eggcrate? That's what I used for mine, and I just sat on the front piece of it, cracking the whole thing in half. I hate to spend $22 on a huge sheet of it just for a piece for the front of the tank (probably 2'x8"). I figure maybe someone's got some left over. ;)