lowering salinity level with inverts


I've heard of some people lowering the salinity level to ward off outbreaks while keeping inverts in their tank. Anybody try this and have luck?


Active Member
Originally Posted by benguck
I've heard of some people lowering the salinity level to ward off outbreaks while keeping inverts in their tank. Anybody try this and have luck?
no you cannot lower salinity with inverts .if you have outbreak of ich in your display and quarentine is not an option. you can try kick ich i have used it with good results in my reef tank with no deaths fish or corals. other things you can do
to help ward off the paresites raise temp of the tank to 82 degrees unless you have cooler water corals then just go to 80 ich thrives better in cooler water.I have found at times not needing to remove the fish from the display tank boost nutritional feeding 2-3 times daily(not brine) garlic extreme in the foods if your fish are still eating that is.I use a food called thera+A non medicated antiparesitic formula pellet use 2 times daily then frozen prepared foods reccomend for the species of fish you keep.this little bit can boost the fishes imune system to naturally heal him.with no extra added stress.to be completely honest I have been in this hobby for 4 1/2 yrs and in that time i have lost 1 fish due to ich and that was a powder blue tang 3 day after i purchased it(it never ate for me)